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Creating a notification

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Creating a notification Empty Creating a notification

Post by skiv71 Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:40 pm


To create a new notification, we need an 'event' and then define an action to take based on this event 'event handler'.

A) Event - the start of each hour

1/. From the menu bar, click on the clock icon for scheduled events.

2/. From within the scheduled events page, click on the clock icon with green + to create a new scheduled event.

3/. Give event a name: test message, alarm: none, schedule: hourly and leave the remaining options as is.

4/. Finally, click on save to create your new event.

B) Event handler - send the message

1/. From the menu bar, click on the cog icon for event handlers.

2/. From within the event handlers page, scroll down the screen until you find the scheduled events and expand the group to find your event.

3/. Click on your event and scroll back to the top to edit the event handler dialogue box.

4/. From the drop, choose 'email' and enter your email gateway address for your notification provider, followed by clicking on the green + icon.

5/. Leave escalation and inactive notification unticked and click on save to complete the notification.

Now, on the start of each hour, you'll received a message via your notification provider (i.e. pushover/pushalot).

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Age : 52
Location : United Kingdom

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Creating a notification Empty Re: Creating a notification

Post by skiv71 Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:09 pm

Just a follow up. You may find it beneficial to save you notification email address within the system.

There are 2 ways you can achieve this: -

1/. Update your user account (or other) so that the email address is the notification address.

2/. Create a mailing list (like an address book) and add the notification address to that.

Now, when you want to trigger a notification from your event, you can simply select either the user or mailing list, as appropriate.

*** Please note ***

The above steps can only be carried out by the administrator of your system, via the 'super' login

Posts : 161
Join date : 2014-04-25
Age : 52
Location : United Kingdom

http://bmslink.co.uk:8180 [guest:guest]

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